Blockchain Technology

Transforming businesses into the future by building capabilities with real-world blockchain solutions.

Blockchain innovations in a secure, transparent, and trustworthy environment

Blockchain technology is writing new rules of transparency, security, efficiency, and trustworthiness. Sigma Solve aims to provide blockchain consulting and blockchain development services to help you explore the transformative opportunity to edge out the competition in a secure, transparent, and trustworthy environment with custom data management solutions under a decentralized ledger framework. Get your first blockchain solution or modernize your existing one.

Our blockchain consulting services are designed to help your business leverage the benefits of blockchain technology into the future to build a business that rapidly grows and leaves competition behind. We help you check feasibility, strategize, plan, implement, and maintain your blockchain solutions to build capabilities to perform consistently and innovate rapidly in a secure, transparent, and trustworthy business environment.

Empower your business with enterprise blockchain solutions for exponential business growth in a reliable, trusted, and secure business environment with our blockchain development services. Sigma Solve develops custom web or mobile app blockchain solutions to your operational specifications to achieve preconceived business objectives. With decentralized applications (dApps) or crypto bots, Sigma Solve helps save money.

Our Work Culture

Blockchain Consulting Services

Sigma Solve helps your business navigate blockchain intricacies with our experience-based strategies, from feasibility to implementation and maintenance. Our tailored consulting services facilitate effortless blockchain integration and performance enhancement.

Decentralized App Development (dApps)

Sigma Solve empowers your businesses by building user-centric dApps using a secure and transparent blockchain through our decentralized app development services. Revolutionize your operations and streamline workflows with blockchain’s scalable and innovative solutions.

Custom Blockchain Development Solutions

Our future-proof custom blockchain development solutions re-innovate digital infrastructure for your business. Our tailored blockchain solutions meet your unique business needs for developing ledgers that save costs by streamlining workflow and increasing security.

Blockchain Security Solutions

We reinforce your digital assets with stringent audits, advanced security protocols, and risk aversion. We leverage consensus mechanisms and data immutability to fortify your data from cybercrime. With our blockchain solutions, trust and transparency come built-in.

Blockchain Wallet Development

Our blockchain solutions are designed to give you peace of mind and complete control over your secure, user-friendly, and reliable blockchain wallets. We prioritize accessibility, privacy, and reliability while building your multi-currency blockchain wallets.

Enterprise Applications Integration

Redefine your enterprise software solutions as Sigma Solve bridges the gap between your legacy systems and the blockchain frontier to enhance efficiency and security. Sigma Solve flawlessly integrates distributed ledgers, optimizing your overall business performance.

Features of our blockchain application development services


Distribution of control over the peer-to-peer network where every stakeholder has equal rights to validate the transactions for authenticity.

Consensual Process

Before establishing trustworthiness, each member of the network assesses and validates any data within a blockchain block.

Data Security

Since a single or group entity cannot manipulate data on the blockchain, the transactions remain safe and secure forever.

Unalterable Data

Data in the blockchain is user-validated by each member. Unless all the members agree to change the data, it cannot be altered on the blockchain.


Traceable Data

Stakeholders can track and trace data since each block contains user data protected by a protocol for networking the data for validation.

Reliable System

Penetrating blockchain models to manipulate data is next to impossible unless consensus is achieved. Therefore, records in the blockchain are trustworthy.


Every member of the blockchain model can access the data on the blockchain without intermediaries or hindrances, providing immense agility to the blockchain.


Since the authenticity of the data can’t be questioned, and the exchange of data among peers is fluid, the blockchain remains consistent without obstruction.

Benefits of Our Blockchain Consulting Services

Sigma Solve helps businesses develop a secure, transparent, and efficient environment to thrive. Our enterprise blockchain consulting services provide guidance, strategy, planning, development, and management of blockchain solutions. We at Sigma Solve build a path for a trusted and decentralized business future.

Customized Services

Our blockchain experts devise custom blockchain consulting services to fulfill the specific needs of your business objectives by optimizing the benefits of blockchain technology.

Strategic Execution

Our blockchain consulting services are designed to build a future-proof plan to provide strategies for blockchain development and its comprehensive implementation.

Risk Management

Our blockchain consultants assist businesses in gaining a thorough understanding of regulations, compliance, and security measures in order to identify risk areas and mitigate them.

Market Insights

Our blockchain consultants are technology enthusiasts and market observers to remain in line with future trends and developments and provide accurate market insights.

How Do We Build a Blockchain Ecosystem?

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Strategy Evaluation

Evaluate your goals and assess the potential impact of blockchain on your business. We’ll assist in defining and prioritizing your transformation journey.

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Rapid Modeling

Enhance your team’s skills through technology workshops, collaborating closely with blockchain experts in rapid development environments.

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Solution Design

Design a comprehensive solution that integrates people, processes, operating models, and technology, maximizing the impact of your transformation.

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Build and Deploy

Manage complex implementations, integrate third-party solutions, and customize coding to ensure seamless integration with existing systems and future scalability.

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Assets and Add-ons

Leverage proprietary software add-ons, including redaction, key management, and hardware security modules, providing enhanced control and customization.

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Ecosystem Oversight

Entrust us with the operation of your new blockchain networks and ecosystems. Focus on the bigger picture while we apply our proven functional expertise to ensure smooth functionality.

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Why Sigma Solve for Blockchain App Development

1360° Blockchain

2CoE Model

3Bespoke Solutions

4Tech Partnerships

5Cross Sectoral


About us

Sigma Solve Inc. stands at the forefront of AI and digital transformation companies, swiftly advancing in the competitive landscape of America. With a strong presence in the USA, Australia, and India, we embrace the mission of reinventing businesses through innovative solutions and harnessing the power of human creativity and technology. 

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